Monday 4 November 2024

What are the three commandments/rules of Savitar for attaining his grace?


Rishi vāmadeva gautama says (Rig Veda 4.53.5) that with his three commandments/rules, Savitar guards us.

Rig Veda 4.53.5 :: Ṛṣi - vāmadeva gautama

trir antarikṣaṃ savitā mahitvanā trī rajāṃsi paribhus trīṇi rocanā |

tisro divaḥ pṛthivīs tisra invati tribhir vratair abhi no rakṣati tmanā ||

Savitar (encompasses) the midspace three times in his greatness; he encompasses the three dusky realms and the three realms of light. He speeds the three heavens and the three earths. With his three commandments he guards us by himself.


Now, the question is - what are the three commandments/rules of Savitar?

The BRAHMAN or formless GOD, was being referred to in Rig Veda by different epithets, viz., AGNI, INDRA, VARUNA, MITRA, SAVITUR, ADITI, etc.

The Commandments or vows or Laws or rules, laid down by the BRAHMAN or formless GOD, for spiritual seekers. And, those have been followed by all the ancient rishis of Rig Veda, ie., gṛtsamada, viswamitra, vāmadeva, etc, to the present day rishis like Shri Ramana Maharshi.


This is not the only Rik in Rig Veda, wherein the commandments of Varuna and Mitra or Ādityas or Indra or Agni, are mentioned. Consider the following.

Rig Veda 2.27.8 :: Ṛṣi - gṛtsamada

tisro bhūmīr dhārayan trīm̐r uta dyūn trīṇi vratā vidathe antar eṣām |

ṛtenādityā mahi vo mahitvaṃ tad aryaman varuṇa mitra cāru ||

They uphold the three earths and the three heavens. Three are their commandments within the ritual distribution. By truth is your greatness great, Ādityas. That is dear (to you), o Aryaman, Mitra, and Varuṇa.


Those commandments or rules will make a serious spiritual aspirant fit to receive the DIVINE knowledge, hitherto remained concealed/dormant within oneself.

Realising the hidden DIVINITY or resulting in SELF-REALISATION is symbolised with release of concealed water/cows/Sun in a pen/cave by the BRAHMAN or GOD, was described by the rishis in different epithets of INDRA/BRIHASPATI, etc.

Hence, it is mandatory to follow those commandments by any serious spiritual aspirant. These are applicable to all humans.

It was not mentioned explicitly in the Rig Veda , as to what the three commandments of the BRAHMAN are. Hence, we can only infer them from different references available in the Rig Veda.

Interestingly, the treatment reserved for deniers of those commandments - ajuṣṭān, avratān, was explicitly mentioned.

Rig Veda 9.73.8 :: Ṛṣi - pavitra

ṛtasya gopā na dabhāya sukratus trī ṣa pavitrā hṛdy antar ā dadhe | vidvān sa viśvā bhuvanābhi paśyaty avājuṣṭān vidhyati karte avratān ||

The herdsman (protector) of truth is not to be tricked: his will is strong. He has set three filters within his heart. Knowing, he looks upon all living creatures. He jabs the disgusting deniers of commandments down into the pit.

The following are my inferences as to what the 3 commandments of the Savitur/Varuna/Adityas, are.


  1. The path of truth

In spiritual domain, abiding by the TRUTH - by thoughts, speech and action - is sine qua non. This will purify one internally (thoughts), one’s speech and finally one’s action.

Patañjali lists five yamas in his Yoga Sūtras,among which Satya - Truthfulness is one.

Rig Veda stated time and again that following the path of TRUTH is mandatory.

Rig Veda 7.44.5 :: Ṛṣi - vasiṣṭha

ā no dadhikrāḥ pathyām anaktv ṛtasya panthām anvetavā u |

śṛṇotu no daivyaṃ śardho agniḥ śṛṇvantu viśve mahiṣā amūrāḥ ||

Let Dadhikrā anoint our pathway, for us to follow along the path of truth. Let the divine troop and Agni hear us. Let all the buffaloes, who are never fooled, hear us.

Please note ṛtasya panthām - path of truth, in the above Rik.


Hence, in my view, abiding by the TRUTH is the first commandment.


2. SELF interrogation/meditation/contemplation

Apart from abiding by the TRUTH, parallelly the spiritual aspirant should try to engage oneself in SELF interrogation/meditation/contemplation.

The seers of Rig Veda mentioned about performing Yagna, in esoteric sense.

It should not understood as physical Yagna, as was followed in Puranic era, but should be inferred as engaging oneself in SELF interrogation/meditation/contemplation.

Very rarely, we can come across explicit statements by the seers of Rig Veda about dhyAna or meditation. One such rare Rik is mentioned in the Rig Veda.


Thus, engaging oneself in contemplation might be the second commandment.


3. Steadfastness in abiding by TRUTH and engaging in meditation

The time period for SELF REALISATION or attaining Wisdom by oneself will depend upon (i) the level of purification one attains and (ii) the depth of contemplation one achieves. And, it results after a continuous, steadfast effort on the part of spiritual seeker.

The seers of Rig Veda frequently pray to the DIVINITY to purify them, as in Rig Veda 1.3.10 - pāvakā naḥ sarasvatī .


Steadfastness in abiding by TRUTH and engaging in meditation might be the third commandment.


The seers of Rig Veda might be having different opinions, as to how many times in a day one should engage oneself in contemplation/meditation.

a) Atri family suggests 2 times a day.

Rig Veda 5.69.3 :: Ṛṣi - urūcakrirātreya

prātar devīm aditiṃ johavīmi madhyaṃdina uditā sūryasya | rāye mitrāvaruṇā sarvatāteḻe tokāya tanayāya śaṃ yoḥ ||

In the early morning, at midday, and at the rising of the sun, again and again I call upon the goddess Aditi for wealth in its entirety, o Mitra and Varuṇa. I invoke (her) for kith and kin, for luck and life.

b) viśvāmitra family recommends 3 times a day.

Rig Veda 3.56.8 :: Ṛṣi - prajāpatirvaiśvāmitra

trir uttamā dūṇaśā rocanāni trayo rājanty asurasya vīrāḥ | ṛtāvāna iṣirā dūḻabhāsas trir ā divo vidathe santu devāḥ ||

“Three are the excellent uninjurable bright regions, three scions of the powerful (year) are shining; practisers of truth, quick moving, of surpassing radiance; may the deities be present thrice daily at the sacrifice.”