Tuesday 6 January 2015

Kumbhakarna eliminated

Bereft of his ears and nose, the mighty Kumbhakarna, pouring out blood, Kumbhakarna made up his mind to continue his combat.

 Penetrating that huge army of Vanaras, Kumbhakarna, who was greedily desirous of flesh and blood in hunger, ate away even the demons, Vanaras, devils and bears.
The valiant Lakshmana pierced seven arrows into the body of Kumbhakarna. He took some more arrows and released them too. Kumbhakarna, brushing aside Lakshmana and crossing him, ran, as though he is causing an earth-quake, towards Sri Rama. 

Sri Rama released multiple arrows on Kumbhakarna. Even after struck by them, whose speed was equal to a thunderbolt, that demon was neither shaken nor afflicted. 

Thereupon, taking a great missile called Vayavya, Sri Rama hurled it on the demon. By that weapon, he chopped off Kumbhakarna's arm along with the hammer he was wielding. With his arm chopped off, Kumbhakarna roared tumultuously.

Having an arm chopped off by the arrow Kumbhakarna with his another arm, pulled up a tree by its roots and then ran towards Sri Rama.  By an astra presided by Indra Sri Rama chopped off Kumbhakarna's remaining arm. 

Seeing Kumbhakarna with his arms chopped off and coming upon him, Sri Rama taking two sharp arrows, chopped off the feet of the demon in that battle. 

Thereupon, Sri Rama got hold of an arrow spelled with a missile presided over by Indra and discharged, which slashed Kumbhakarna's head.

Though born in the Demon race, Kumbhakarna was depicted as valiant, fearless warrior and a righteous person.  Whenever occasion demanded he spoke righteously and even chided Ravana for his unjustified action.

Born with a colossal body and strength, but afflicted with the curse of Lord Brahma, he had no ambitions except to remain with Ravana and fighting on Ravana’s side whenever he was asked for.  He fought valiantly till his death.

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