Sunday 29 January 2017

Why did Sri Hanuman remain Brahmachari?

Image result for hanuman

In order to understand the marital status of Sri Hanuma, we have to consider the following issues:

  • Ramayana written by Sage Valmiki is the authentic text on all characters that we find in Ramayana. The Puranas cannot be depended upon, as many of them contain fabricated stories.
  • Sri Hanuma was mentioned in Kishkinda Kanda of Ramayana. It was not mentioned in the entire Ramayana, whether he was a married or unmarried person.
  • In Sundara Kanda, while searching for Sita in Ravana's Mansion, he ponders as follows:

हि मे पर दाराणाम् दृष्टिर् विषय वर्तिनी ||-११-३८
अयम् अत्र मया दृष्टः पर दार परिग्रहः |

"My sight is indeed not in the matter of other wives here. These other's wives have been seen by me."

If Sri Hanuma was an unmarried person, then he would have referred to Ravana's wives as "women", instead of other's wives.  

  • Many warriors in Ramayana were not described in details. Even Indrajit, Angada, etc, were not described to be married. Can we deduce that they are also unmarried?
  • The popular story from Puranas that Sri Hanuma was married to Suvarchala, the daughter of Sun God does not find place in Ramayana. Further, Suvarchala was mentioned as the wife of the Sun God in Ramayana.

दीनो वा राज्यहीनो वा यो मे भर्ता मे गुरुः |
तं नित्यमनुरक्तास्मि यथा सूर्यं सुवर्चला || -२४-

"Although wretched or without kingdom, whoever is my husband, He alone is my master. Like Suvarchala with the Sun God, I am fond of Him always."

So Sri Hanuma could not have married the wife of Sun God.

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