Saturday 8 June 2024

Why some people hate Shri Rama?

As far as I understood, the following categories of people might be thinking/talking/acting against Shri Rama, for the reasons mentioned below that category.

  • People, whose attitude/nature is quite opposite to that of Shri Rama
  • People, who did not read Valmiki Ramayana properly, and consequently misunderstood Shri Rama
  • People involved in converting Hindus in India to other religions

1) People, whose attitude/nature is quite opposite to that of Shri Rama

When Ravana asks for the help of Maricha in abducting Sita, the latter warns him against that act, describing the virtues of Shri Rama.

रामो विग्रहवान् धर्मः साधुः सत्य पराक्रमः |
राजा सर्वस्य लोकस्य देवानाम् इव वासवः || ३-३७-१३

"Rama is the embodiment of righteousness, he is an equable person with truthfulness as his valour, and as with Indra to all gods he is the king of entire world.

The above mentioned DIVINE qualities, as narrated by Maareecha - a demon by birth and ally to Ravana, narrates the greatness of Shri Rama.

Reasons as to why Ravana had not wanted to restore Sita to Shri Rama are

(i) he did not possess the DIVINE qualities that Shri Rama possesses

(ii) he hates those DIVINE qualities, because his NATURE is quite opposite to that of Shri Rama, and

(iii) he wanted to prove to his detractors in particular and the World at large that he can defeat, with all his prowess and army, Shri Rama assisted by Vanaras.

Hence, people, whose attitude/nature is quite opposite to that of Shri Rama, hate Shri Rama.


2) People, who have not read Valmiki Ramayana properly, and consequently misunderstood Shri Rama

It is a broad category under which we can include many sub-categories.

a) Categorising Shri Rama as a misogynist

Many people, including Indians and foreigners, categorise Shri Rama as a misogynist, highlighting the following episodes from Ramayana.

  • the episode of elimination of demoness tAtakA - ताटका - Bala Kanda
  • the episode of disfiguring of demoness sUrpaNakha - शूर्पणखा - Aranya kanda
  • Disowning of Sita after the war, and consequential Sita Agni pravesha episode - Yuddha kanda
  • abandoning of Sita based on the allegations of a common man - Uttara Kanda

- i) the episode of elimination of demoness tAtakA - ताटका - Bala Kanda

Sage Vishvamitra narrates the birth, marriage and curse of demoness Tataka, and bids Rama to eliminate her menace without any hesitation of killing a female, for she is atrocious towards the society.

न हि ते स्त्रीवधकृते घृणा कार्या नरोत्तम |
चातुर्वर्ण्यहितार्थाय कर्तव्यम् राजसूनुना || १-२५-१७

"Compassion regarding the elimination of a female is ungermane, oh, best one among men, since a prince has to effectuate it intending the welfare of four categories of society.”

नृशंसमनृशंसं वा प्रजारक्षणकारणात् |
पातकं वा सदोषं वा कर्तव्यं रक्षता सदा || १-२५-१८

"For the reason of protecting people, a protector always has to execute such deed, either it is ruthless or humane, sinful or vilifying.

We have to remember that at the time of eliminating tAtakA - ताटका, the age of Shri Rama was just 13 years and he was following strictly the orders of his father that he should obey the orders of Sage Viswamitra.

Shri Rama says as follows:

पितुर्वचननिर्देशात् पितुर्वचनगौरवात् |
वचनं कौशिकस्येति कर्तव्यमविशङ्कया || १-२६-२

"Upon my father's order, upon my honour to my father's word, and looking upon this as the word of sage Kushi's son, my mentor, this task is definitely to be implemented. “

गोब्राह्मणहितार्थाय देशस्यास्य हिताय च |
तव चैवाप्रमेयस्य वचनं कर्तुमुद्यतः || १-२६-५

"I am ready to effectuate the bidding of an inestimable sage like you, for the welfare of cows and Brahmans, and for the advantage of this province." So said Rama to sage Vishvamitra.


Hence, Shri Rama did not do anything wrong in elimination of demoness tAtakA - ताटका .

ii) the episode of disfiguring of demoness sUrpaNakha - शूर्पणखा - Aranya kanda

sUrpaNakha was the sister of Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana. Sage Valmiki describes her as Old, pot-bellied, fuddled by lust.

We have to remember that Shri Rama did not transgress into the territory of Demons lead by Ravana. It was sUrpaNakha, who transgressed into the hermitage of Shri Rama, filled with lust sought the companionship of Shri Rama, which was rejected.

When sUrpaNakha tried to kill Sita , then Lakshmana chopped off her nose and ears of sUrpaNakha.

What will any ordinary man do, when his wife is being attacked by another woman, fuddled by lust?

Shri Rama did the same thing.

So nothing immoral here.


iii) Disowning of Sita after the war, and consequential Sita Agni pravesha episode - Yuddha kanda

It is an interpolated story incorporated to depict Shri Rama as the incarnation of Vishnu. This attempt was successful but with disastrous consequences - assassination of Shri Rama’s Character.


iv) abandoning of Sita based on the allegations of a common man - Uttara Kanda

It is a subsequent addition, perhaps influenced by the Sanskrit play Uttararāmacarita by Bhavabhuti. Interestingly, Sita and Shri Rama will united at the end in the play.


b) Categorising Shri Rama as the eliminator of Vali with a deceit

Categorisation of Shri Rama as a cheater/coward is being done either with malafide intentions by people involved in proselytising Indians to other faiths or without understanding the issue.


3) People involved in converting Indians in India to other religions

The main stumbling block in the activities of those organisation, which are involved in converting Indians to other faiths is the illuminating character of Shri Rama, which have been guiding Indians for long.

Hence, this faith in Shri Rama has to be disturbed so that the proselytising process can become easy. 

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