Kṛśānu (कृशानु) was mentioned as an archer in Rig Veda.
Kṛśānu was not Shri Krishna of Mahabharata. Apart from a huge time gap between these persons, these 2 persons are poles apart.
Shri Krishna of Mahabharata was a Great yogi, schemer, warrior of great skill and power.
Kṛśānu (कृशानु) of Rig Veda was an archer. And, his acts indicate that he was an evil person with dark intentions, often coming in the way of a SPIRITUAL aspirant.
In order to understand the character of Kṛśānu (कृशानु), we have to understand the symbolism of Rig Veda.
A) In vedantic terminology, the formless God will reside hidden in every person. The God will also be termed as WISDOM/DIVINITY and can be REALISED only after getting rid of the false beliefs/perceptions/one’s weak habits.
A strong mind, aided by the DIVINE FORCES, in a person can overcome false beliefs/perceptions/weak habits thereby Realising the hidden DIVINITY or resulting in SELF-REALISATION.
B) According to Shri Aurobindo, in Rig Veda
- The false beliefs/perceptions/one’s weak habits were symbolised by the rishis as Vr̥tra or Kṛśānu or Pani or Vala, which weaken one’s mind in progressing in SPIRITUAL domain.
- A strong mind, aided by the DIVINE FORCES was symbolised with INDRA/AGNI/BRIHASPATI/falcon (śyena)
- Realising the hidden DIVINITY or resulting in SELF-REALISATION is symbolised with release of concealed water/cows/Sun in a pen/cave. And, bringing Soma by falcon, escaping the arrow of Kṛśānu also indicates the same.
The translations of majority of Riks mentioned below were taken from the translation of “The Rigveda” by Stephanie W. Jamison and Joel P. Brereton.
1) Indra and Viṣṇu deflect the arrow of the archer Kr̥śānu, being aimed at the mortal.
Rig Veda 1.155.2
tveṣam itthā samaraṇaṃ śimīvator indrāviṣṇū sutapā vām uruṣyati | yā martyāya pratidhīyamānam it kṛśānor astur asanām uruṣyathaḥ ||
The turbulent clashing of you two vehement ones is right to the point: it makes wide space for you two soma-drinkers, o Indra and Viṣṇu, who cause (the arrow) to go wide just as it is being aimed at the mortal, the shot of the shooter Kr̥śānu.
2) Soma was being held captive in a well-fortified citadel there, guarded by an archer named Kr̥śānu. A falcon (Indra) carried him off by stealth, and though shot at by Kr̥śānu, the bird only lost a single feather. The falcon delivered Soma to Manu, the first sacrificer.
Rig Veda 4.27.3
ava yac chyeno asvanīd adha dyor vi yad yadi vāta ūhuḥ puraṃdhim | sṛjad yad asmā ava ha kṣipaj jyāṃ kṛśānur astā manasā bhuraṇyan ||
When the falcon then roared down from heaven, when—or if—they carried Plenitude away from there, when the archer Kr̥śānu, alert in mind, released and let fly his bow-string down toward him
Rig Veda 4.27.4
ṛjipya īm indrāvato na bhujyuṃ śyeno jabhāra bṛhato adhi ṣṇoḥ | antaḥ patat patatry asya parṇam adha yāmani prasitasya tad veḥ ||
Flying straight, the falcon brought him to the companions of Indra from the lofty back (of heaven), just as (the Aśvins brought) Bhujyu (home, with their birds). A feather of the winged one, of the bird launched then on its course, flew between (heaven and earth).
3) Indra smashed the serpent/Vr̥tra and allowed the concealed waters to come out or hidden Sun to rise in Heaven to be seen.
Rig Veda 1.32.1
indrasya nu vīryāṇi pra vocaṃ yāni cakāra prathamāni vajrī | ahann ahim anv apas tatarda pra vakṣaṇā abhinat parvatānām ||
Now I shall proclaim the heroic deeds of Indra, those foremost deeds that the mace-wielder performed: He smashed the serpent. He bored out the waters. He split the bellies of the mountains.
Rig Veda 1.51.4
tvam apām apidhānāvṛṇor apādhārayaḥ parvate dānumad vasu | vṛtraṃ yad indra śavasāvadhīr ahim ād it sūryaṃ divy ārohayo dṛśe ||
You opened up the covers of the waters; you held fast to the drop-laden goods in the mountain. When, o Indra, with your vast power you smashed the serpent Vr̥tra, just after that you made the sun rise in heaven to be seen.
4) Agni and Soma slain Pani, the offspring of Bṛsya and released the cows he robbed.
Rig Veda 1.93.4
agnīṣomā ceti tad vīryaṃ vāṃ yad amuṣṇītam avasam paṇiṃ gāḥ | avātiratam bṛsayasya śeṣo 'vindataṃ jyotir ekam bahubhyaḥ ||
O Agni and Soma, that heroic might of yours was made conscient when you robbed the Pani of the cows; you have slain the offspring of Bṛsya and found the one light for many”
5) Indra slain Vala, who concealed the cows he robbed and released them.
Rig Veda 1.11.5
tvaṃ valasya gomato 'pāvar adrivo bilam | tvāṃ devā abibhyuṣas tujyamānāsa āviṣuḥ ||
You did open the cave of Vala, who had there concealed the cattle, o possessor of the stone. Before the fearless one, the gods, though being pushed back, came to your aid
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