Rig Veda 9.33.4
तिस्रो वाच उदीरते गावो मिमन्ति धेनवः । हरिरेति कनिक्रदत् ॥
tisro vāca ud īrate gāvo mimanti dhenavaḥ | harir eti kanikradat ||
English translation:
The three voices rise up, while earth and milch cows are profuse in fertility, and the lord of bliss, destroyer of suffering, manifests bright and blissful as life goes on in a state of prosperity.
If we try to analyse the above Rik in esoteric sense, we can infer that it is talking about an ecstasy of a spiritually elevated person in a BLISSFUL state after attaining the SELF-REALISATION. And, the consequence of attaining that SELF-REALISATION is the raising of three (3) voices or acquiring the ability to understand three types DIVINE speeches.
However, it is silent as to what the three speeches are.
Rig Veda speaks about 4 types of speech. Out of which 3 have been hidden from humans, and the only 4th one is known to humans.
Rig Veda 1.164.45
चत्वारि वाक्परिमिता पदानि तानि विदुर्ब्राह्मणा ये मनीषिणः । गुहा त्रीणि निहिता नेङ्गयन्ति तुरीयं वाचो मनुष्या वदन्ति ॥
catvāri vāk parimitā padāni tāni vidur brāhmaṇā ye manīṣiṇaḥ | guhā trīṇi nihitā neṅgayanti turīyaṃ vāco manuṣyā vadanti ||
English translation:
Four are the constituent parts of speech which the wise men of learning know. Three of them are hidden in the cave of the mind, they are neither analysed, nor defined, nor understood by ordinary speakers, only the fourth part of speech, or parole, they use in communication.
According to my understanding, the three hidden/dormant speeches, as mentioned in Rig Veda 1.164.45, may become active upon the dawning of SELF-REALISATION in a spiritual seeker.
It is this activation of 3 types of DIVINE speeches that Rig Veda 9.33.4 might be referring to.
I do not know whether the 4 types of speeches mentioned in Rig Veda 1.164.45 are referring to the parā, paśyantī, madhyamā, vaikharī, as listed out in the Shloka 81 of Lalita Sahasranama.
परा प्रत्यक्चितीरूपा पश्यन्ती परदेवता ।
मध्यमा वैखरीरूपा भक्त-मानस-हंसिका ॥ ८१॥
parā, pratyakchitī rūpā, paśyantī, paradēvatā ।
madhyamā, vaikharīrūpā, bhaktamānasa haṃsikā ॥
Para: Who is the Para or the Transcendent Word (above the other lower stages of speech known as Pashyanti, Madhyama and Vaikhari). Pratyak chitirupa: Who is in the form of consciousness turned inwards (when the Reality is unmanifest in dissolution). Pashyanti: Who is Pashyanti or speech in the inaudible stage. Paradevata: Who is Paradevata the object of supreme devotion. Madhyama: Who is Madhyama, or speech in the middle stage of its external expressions. Vaikharirupa: Who is Vakhari the uttered audible speech. Bhakta manasa hamsika: Who is the swan sporting in the Manasa lake of Her devotees’ minds.
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