Sunday 30 November 2014

Importance of MUHUURTHA or point of time

On conceding to the suggestion of Lakshmana that they should search for Seetha, they start searching the forest and at certain place the mountainous Jataayu,  whose wings are hacked and who is breathless and is in his last moments,  is seen.

Mistaking him to be a demon, Sri Rama wants to kill and speedily approaches Jataayu, but on listening Jataayu's words, Sri Rama recognises and laments for his wretched situation. 

Even though Sri Rama is comparatively a bold person he involuntarily fells down to ground, as his anguish for Seetha is doubled by this predicament of Jataayu, and he wept over Jataayu.  

While breathing his last Jataayu tells Sri Rama that Ravana went southward taking Seetha along with him. Jataayu also said the following:

येन याति मुहूर्तेन सीताम् आदाय रावणः |
विप्रनष्टम् धनम् क्षिप्रम् तत् स्वामि प्रतिपद्यते || 
विन्दो नाम मुहूर्तो असौ स च काकुत्स्थ न अबुधत् |

“In which MUHUURTHA (point of time) Ravana has gone taking away Seetha, that MUHUURTHA is named as Vinda...  If any riches are lost during that spell, the original possessor of those riches will repossess them very quickly..”

“Oh, Rama , Ravana is unmindful of that fact and stole Seetha only to loose her. On stealing your ladylove Janaki, , Ravana, will ruin himself, as with a fish which swallows a baited fishhook.”

"Impractical is your anguishing for the daughter of Janaka, as you will delight yourself with Vaidehi in no time, on killing that Ravana in the vanguard of a war..."

Thereafter Jatayu breathes his last.

Sage Valmiki conveys the importance of MUHUURTHA for taking up of any task.

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