Sunday 30 November 2014

Did Seetha accuse Lakshmana?

The  episode of adbuction of Sita by Ravana, as narrated in Ramayana,  is follows:

Sri Rama eliminates Maareecha. when he is escaping beyond reach in the form of Golden Deer. At the time of his death Maareecha shouts out for Seetha and Lakshmana mimicking Sri Rama’s voice, as demanded by Ravana. 
Seetha, on hearing the voice of Sri Rama, asks anxiously Lakshmana to go for helping Sri Rama but Lakshmana does not move as per the orders of Sri Rama. 
Seetha rebukes Lakshmana for he is still there, loitering away even after listening Sri Rama's cry for help. She goes to the extent of slandering him as having intents to woo her, at the cost of Sri Rama's life.
Lakshmana tries to pacify her but in vain, as she persists in her rash talk. Lakshmana leaves her alone and starts to reach Sri Rama, broken-heartedly.

Ravana approaches Vaidehi adopting an aspect of an ascetic(sanyaasi).  Ravana praises Seetha's beauty by extolling every limb of hers, though he enters like a Brahman sanyaasi.
He indulges in a most untoward laudation that is unbefitting for a saintly and elderly almsman. Unable to refute him, because he is in such a pious garb, she had to invite him as an untimely guest. When Seetha insisted to know about him, Ravana reveals his identity and asks her to become his wife.

Thereupon she goes into a frenzied state and brainstorms Ravana in all her curtness.  She even describes Sri Rama’s strength and valour and warns even if he abducts her then, he will be decimated by Sri Rama.

Ravana grabbed Seetha on lifting her up with his left hand at her nape, and with his right hand at her thighs and forcefully keeps her in his air-chariot. She bewails and bemoans for Sri Rama and Lakshmana and appeals to all nature to inform Sri Rama about this abduction. Finally, she sees Jatayu, the eagle, and asks him to narrate her abduction to Sri Rama.
The question arises as to whether Seetha having known Lakshmana and his character for long period, can  accuse him in such a language?  

In  my view, she did not use such a language, which is not her character.

Let us examine the narrations in the subsequent Sargas, wherein Seeta was depicted differently.
1)   While she is being abducted, Seetha calls Sri Rama and Lakshmana for help.

हा लक्ष्मण महाबाहो गुरु चित्त प्रसादक |
ह्रियमाणाम् न जानीषे रक्षसा काम रूपिणा ||  
(Aranya Kanda 49 Sarga 24 Sloka)

"Haa, greatly dextrous Lakshmana... oh, rejoicer of your mentor... you are incognisant of me who am being abducted by this demon who is a dissembler."

Here Seeta was calling Lakshmana who left the hermitage latter than Sri Rama, and hence he must be within earshot, while Sri Rama went into deep of the forest long back.  However, there was no remorse in her words that due to her accusation Lakshmana went away.

2)   Sri Hanuman searches in the every nook and corner of Lanka and finally reaches and finds Seeta in Ashoka Garden.  He listens to her weeping, while sitting over SIMSUPA Tree.

नूनं स कालो मृगरूपधारी |
मामल्पभाग्यां लुलुभे तदानीम् |
यत्रार्यपुत्रं विससर्ज मूढा |
रामानुजं लक्ष्मणपूर्वजं च ||   
(Sundara Kanda 28 Sarga 10th Sloka)

"Certainly that Time-spirit, assuming the guise of a deer, allured me, a woman of poor fortune at that time and to whom I, a stupid woman, sent forth (far away) Lakshmana and the noble prince Rama, the elder brother of Lakshmana."

Even in Ashoka Garden, when nobody was apparently within earshot, she recollects what had happened when her abduction took place.  
She is accusing herself  as a stupid woman, who sent her husband and Lakshmana to fetch the Golder deer.  However, she is not accusing herself of using slandering language against Lakhmana.

3)   While talking to Sri Hanuman she describes the character of Lakshmana as follows:

सिम्ह स्कन्धो महाबाहुः मनस्वी प्रिय दर्शनः |
पितृवत् वर्तते रामे मातृवन् माम् समाचरन् ||  
(Sundara Kanda 38 Sarga 60th Sloka)

"Lakshmana, who has broad shoulders like that ofa lion, mighty-armed, steady-minded and having pleasant looks, behaves towards Rama as towards his father and looks to me as his own mother."

 She understood the behaviour of Lakshmana.  Lakshmana treated her as his mother.  Then how can she accuse him?  She never accused him.  It is an interpolation made at a later date.

4)   Sri Hanuman, after listening to Seeta's pitiful wailing, offers to take her then and there itself to Sri Rama, if she travels with him by sitting on his back.

अथवा मोचयिष्यामि ताम् अद्य एव हि राक्षसात् |
अस्मात् दुह्खात् उपारोह मम पृष्ठम् अनिन्दिते || 

"O Seetha with a charming face! Or rather, I shall relieve you from this grief now itself. O irreproachable lady! Ascend my back. I shall take you to Rama."

त्वम् हि पृष्ठ गताम् कृत्वा सम्तरिष्यामि सागरम् |
शक्तिः अस्ति हि मे वोढुम् लन्काम् अपि सरावणाम् ||   
(Sundara Kanda 37 Sarga 19 - 20 Slokas)

"I shall cause you sit on my back and cross the ocean. I have indeed capacity to carry even Lanka together with Ravana."

However, Seetha declines to go with him, as honouring the devotion to her husband, she cannot touch the body of any man other that of Sri Rama and requests Sri Hanuman to bring her husband to Lanka.

5)   After hearing the news of death of his son Indrajit, Ravana gets angry and starts for Ashoka Garden for killing Seeta.  On hearing that news Seeta laments as follows:

हनूमतो हि तद्वाक्यं न कृतं क्षुद्रया मया ||
यद्यहं तस्य पृष्ठेन तदायासमनिन्दिता |
नाद्यैवमनुशोचेयं भर्तुरंकगता सती ||   
(Yuddha Kanda 92 Sarga 55 - 56 Slokas)

"Those words of Hanuma were not acted upon by me, having a low mind. If I left on that day on his back, though not won back by my husband, I would not have grieved like this today, as I should be resting on the lap of my husband (in that case)."

Here, Seeta was repenting for not heeding to the advice of Sri Hanuman.  
Had she accused Lakshmana in the forest, as mentioned at point no.1 above,  she would have repented  later, but she did not do so.
It is an interpolation made at a later date.

6)       Finally, when Sri Hanuman describes briefly to Bharata as to what happened  in the 14 years of Sri Rama's sojourn in the Forest, he describes the episode of abduction of Seeta as follows:

अथ सौम्या दशग्रीवो मृगं याते तु राघवे |
लक्ष्मणे चापि निष्क्रान्ते प्रविवेशाश्रमं तदा || 


(Yuddha Kanda 126 Sarga   25 Sloka)

"O good sir! While Rama was chasing the deer and even when Lakshmana had gone out, Ravana forthwith entered their hermitage during that interval."

 Here, Sri Hanuman was saying that even when Lakshmana had gone out,  Ravana forthwith entered their hermitage during that interval.  

He was not saying that Lakshmana had gone out due to accusation of Sita.

Hence, the episode of Seeta accusing Lakshmana in Ramayana is a PRAKSHIPTA, an interpolated story inserted  at a later date.

1 comment:

  1. Sundara Kanda is nothing but Kundalini Yoga

    Please read :
    Shodasi : Secrets of the Ramayana
    Author : Seshendra Sharma
    In this path breaking research work , coming after
    ages after Valmiki penned the first epic of Human Civilisation,
    Seshendra Sharma analyses that
    Sundara Kanda is Kundalini Yoga , Maharshi wrote
    this Epic to spread Kundalini Yoga among the masses of his times.
    For Reviews :
    Contact : Saatyaki S/o Seshendra Sharma , +91 9441070985 , 7702964402
