Monday 29 December 2014

Seeta’s curse

On the night Sri Hanuma saw Seeta by hiding on the branches of Simsupa tree, Ravana entices Seetha to become his mistress, but Seeta refuses them all and rebukes him for his behaviour.  

Angered by her sharp criticism, Ravana ordered all Raakshasa women to bring Seetha under his possession quickly by using different methods, i.e., with hostile and favourable tasks, with kind words, with gifts and dividing words and exertion of punishment. Ordering thus, Ravana, infatuated by love, returned to his house. 

After Ravana left, those Raakshasa women went running to Seetha, encircling Seeta spoke harshly and persuaded her to become the wife of Ravana. Seeta rejects their idea and asks them to eat her instead of speaking unfavourable words to her.  

The Raakshasa women threatened Seeta that they would eat her away if she does not listen to them.  Thus, being frightened by horrible Raakshasa women, Seetha started crying and spoke as follows:

"A human woman is not suited to become a wife of a Raakshasa.  All of you eat me according to your desire. I will not do according to your words."

विधमेच्च पुरीं लङ्कां शोषयेच्च महोदधिम् |
रावणस्य च नीचस्य कीर्तिं नाम च नाशयेत् ||   (Sundara Kanda 26th Sarga 23rd Sloka)

"Rama will blow away the city of Lanka, will dry up the great ocean, will destroy the name and fame of Ravana."

ततो निहतनाथानां राक्षसीनां गृहे गृहे |
यथाहमेवं रुदती तथा भुयो न संशयः || (Sundara Kanda 26th Sarga 24th Sloka)

"Thereafter how I am crying in this way, in the same way, in very house, ogresses with killed husbands will cry again and again. There is no doubt in this."

अन्विष्य रक्षसां लङ्कां कुर्याद्रामः सलक्ष्मणः |
न हि ताभ्यां रिपुर्दृष्टो मुहूर्तमपि जीवति || (Sundara Kanda 26th Sarga 25th Sloka)

"Rama together will Lakshmana will search the city of Lanka belonging to ogres. An enemy seen by those two will indeed not live even for a moment."

 चिताधुमाकुलपथा गृध्रमण्डलसंकुला |
अचिरेण तु लङ्केयं श्मशानसदृशी भवेत् || (Sundara Kanda 26th Sarga 26th Sloka)

"This Lanka shortly will become like a graveyard, with paths agitated with smoke of funeral pyres, crowded with a group of vultures."

अचिरेणैव कालेन प्राप्स्याम्येव मनोरथम् |
दुष्प्रस्थानोऽयमाख्याति सर्वेषाम् वो विपर्ययम् ||
(Sundara Kanda 26th Sarga 27th Sloka)

" Only In a short time I will attain my desire. This evil course is telling of destruction of you all."

यादृशानीह दृशन्ते लङ्कायामशुभानि वै |
अचिरेणैव कालेन भविष्यति हतप्रभा ||  
(Sundara Kanda 26th Sarga 28th Sloka)

"Here in Lanka, whatever inauspicious things are being seen, from those, in a short while Lanka will become deprived of glory. "


Seeta  was sustaining herself on a little food and had been engaged in incessant meditation, which resulted in acquiring of ascetic power, on Sri Rama.  

She only said to Ravana on that night that she could burnt him to ashes with her power but restraing herself as there were no orders of Sri Rama for doing so.  And, she remained silent.

The Raakshasa women at the behest of Ravana’s orders frightened and tortured with their words, crossing the limit, hitherto restrained Seeta. 

All alone and tormented with grief, Seeta bursted out and her wailing turned into cursing. While ordering, Ravana for himself and for entire Raakshasas' race dug a big grave.


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