Tuesday 30 December 2014

Sri Hanuman and Sri Krishna

The 2 personalities, viz., Sri Hanuman in Ramayana and Sri Krishna in Mahabharata, will stand apart from the rest of the Characters. 
They are highly learned, righteous to the core, blessed with supernatural powers, wise, valiant, powerful, fearless but yet humble in character. 
Both chose to remain in sidelines till called for.  When they led the way, their brilliance sparkled in every action, be it acting as a messenger, an advisor, fighting as a warrior, etc, they executed.  They did not intervene when others are fighting their battle.
Sri Hanuman did not try to stop, though being capable, Indrajit when he was attacking, staying invisible by using his ascetic powers,  Sri Rama and Lakshmana.
 If he intervenes, their glory diminishes and ego gets hurt. Sri Rama and Lakshmana had to toil.  After all it was their battle.  He helped them by remaining in sidelines.
Seeta understood the strength of Sri Hanuma.  But, Seeta did not want Sri Hanuma to take her to her husband.  Her husband has to fight the battle and win her in the battle.

कामम् अस्य त्वम् एव एकः कार्यस्य परिसाधने |
पर्याप्तः पर वीरघ्न यशस्यः ते बल उदयः ||

"O Hanuma, the annihilator of enemies! You are yourself surely sufficient single-handed completion of this task. Your elevated energy is creditable indeed."

शरैस्तुः सम्कुलाम् कृत्वा लन्काम् पर बल अर्दनः |
माम् नयेत् यदि काकुत्स्थः तस्य तत् सादृशम् भवेत् ||

"But, it will be appropriate for Rama, who destroys the hostile forces, to take me with him, after routing Lanka with his arrows."

तत् यथा तस्य विक्रान्तम् अनुरूपम् महात्मनः |
भवति आहव शूरस्य तत्त्वम् एव उपपादय ||  (Sundara Kanda 56 Sarga 3-5 Slokas)

"Therefore, you act in such a way that the high-souled Rama, valiant in battle, may exhibit prowess worthy of him."

Similar was the case with Sri Krishna.  Though capable of winning the battle singlehandedly, he remained as a spectator.  He advised them, when asked for. 
Their behavior, actions will remind us that of a SADGURU.  A SADGURU will teach you, guide you, motivate you in the spiritual path, but you have to toil all along the spiritual line.  The SADGURU will remain as a spectator of your efforts. 

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