Tuesday 30 December 2014

Surgery in the age of Srimad Ramayana

Seetha recollects the time limit of two months given by Ravana and her vulnerability of being killed by him. Seetha, tormented by grief, lamented as follows.
नूनं ममाङ्गान्यचिरादनार्यः |
शस्त्रैः शितै श्छेत्स्यति राक्षसेन्द्रः |
तस्मिन्ननागच्छति लोकनाथे |
गर्भस्थजन्तोरिव शल्यकृन्तः || (Sundara Kanda 28 Sarga 6th Sloka)
"If Sri Rama does not come here, the evil Ravana will cut off my limbs with his sharpened weapons, even as a surgeon would cut the limbs of a lifeless feotus."
"Certainly that Time, assuming the guise of a deer, allured me, a woman of poor fortune at that time.   I, a stupid woman, sent forth Lakshmana and the noble prince Sri Rama. O Rama, you do not indeed know me to have been sentenced to death by the demons."
"My singleminded Dhyana of you, this patience, my reposing on the floor, my restriction in righteousness, my devotion to the husband - all this has become a waste, like a good act done by men to ungrateful men becoming waste. “
Seeta’s saying that Ravana would cut off her limbs with his sharpened weapons  as a surgeon would cut the limbs of a lifeless fetus indicate that the people at the period of Ramayana knew about surgery. 

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