Tuesday 30 December 2014

Inauspicious signs for Raakshasas

Sage Valmiki did not describe Ravana and Seeta and their arguments that took place during the 10 months period that elapsed from the day of Seeta’s abduction.  From the description in the Sundara Kanda, we can infer that Ravana, blinded with lust, might be visiting Seeta daily and trying to convince her. 
Seeta had been sustaining herself on a little food and engaged in incessant meditation, which resulted in acquiring of ascetic power, on Sri Rama.  She only said to Ravana on that night that she could burnt him to ashes with her power but restraiing herself as there were no orders of Sri Rama for doing so.  And, she remained silent.
However, Ravana’s passion and lust towards Seeta suddenly took a vulgur shape on the night Sri Hanuma reached Lanka that he even ordered the Raakshasa women to persuade Seeta or kill her.
The Raakshasa women at the behest of Ravana’s orders frightened and tortured with their words, crossing the limit, hitherto restrained Seeta. All alone and tormented with grief, Seeta bursted out and her wailing turned into cursing.
This was followed by occurance of dream to Trijata in the early hours of the day, which foretold good to Seeta and bad to Ravana and to his Lanka.
In my view, all these events are linked to a single occurrence.  That was the fall of Lankhini.  Lankhini had been protecting Lanka and its dwellers.  She told to Sri Hanuma that she will take orders from Ravana only. 
She is like a Genie, who is bound to do the bidding of the person holding the lamp in Arabian Nights story.  Ravana might have obtained control over her due to his ascetic power.  While stepping aside, after getting defeated in the hands of Sri Hanuma, she remembered Lord Brahma’s dictum that Lanka would fall with her fall.

With her fall, the NATURE accelerated the process of elimination of Ravana and his clan men, first in the shape of Sri Hanuma and ultimately through Vanara warriors and Sri Rama and Lakshmana.

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