Monday 5 January 2015

Kumbhakarna enters the battle field

Knowing the recovery of the 2 brothers, Ravana himself appears on the battle-front for an encounter. Ravana covered that formidable army of Vanaras with a shower of arrows.  

Sri Hanuma asked Sri Rama to climb his back and fight with Ravana. Sri Rama mounted Sri Hanuma challenged Ravana to fight with him.

Hearing the words of Sri Rama, Ravana struck with flaming arrows on Sri Hanuma. Even when struck by that demon with his arrows in the battle, the vigour of Sri Hanuma increased still further. Thereupon, seeing Sri Hanuma getting wounded by Ravana, Sri Rama was infuriated.

Sri Rama shattered Ravana’s chariot along with its flag, charioteer, darts, spears and swords. Thereupon, with a great force, Sri Rama struck with his shaft Ravana, in his broad chest.

Ravana stumbled at the valiant impact of Sri Rama's missile, which created a deep injury. Seeing that Ravana swooning, Sri Rama discharged a blazing arrow , which shattered the diadem of Ravana.  Then Sri Rama let Ravana go, because he got exhausted before his encounter with Sri Rama after having duels with Sri Hanuma and Lakshmana.

 Returning to the City of Lanka, Ravana the King of Demons was afflicted with the fear of Sri Rama's arrows, his pride was humbled and his senses troubled. Ravana asks some demons to go to the abode of sleeping Kumbhakarna, who spoke to him 9 days back, to wake him up and to request him to come to him.

The slumbering Kumbhakarna is roused by the demons under orders of their king. When Kumbhakarna, giant in form, sets out to see Ravana , the Vanaras get alarmed to see the giant demon.   
Then, Kumbhakarna reassures Ravana and promises him that all the adversaries would be destroyed by him in the ensuing battle.

When the Vanaras start attacking Kumbhakarna, the latter crushes some Vanaras with rage. Lifting up trees and very large mountain-rocks, the large-bodied Vanaras thereupon briskly ran towards Kumbhakarna.

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