Monday 5 January 2015

War begins - Garuda appears

Sri Rama issues a command to the Vanara-s to destroy the enemies forthwith. The Vanara-s start demolishing various important defensive structures of the city of Lanka and besiege all the city-gates.

Demons begin to strike the vanara-s with their weapons and the Vanara-s respond the strike with trees, mountain-tops, nails and teeth. Extra-ordinary duels arose between the Vanara-s and demons, who ran up towards each other.

A nocturnal war commences between the hostile demons and Vanara-s. 

Sri Rama then clears off innumerable demons from the battle filed. Indrajit vanishes from the battlefield and discharged, remaining invisible, serpent-like terrible arrows into all the limbs of Sri Rama and Lakshmana and bound them with a net work of serpentine arrows. 

Vanara-s were unable to see Indrajit in the darkness.  Indrajit continued shouting and digging sharp arrows into the vital parts of Sri Rama and Lakshmana for some time and began to shout in triumph. 

Those two princes, bounded by that net work of arrows in the twinkling of an eye, became incapable of even looking up.  Seeing those two scions of Raghu in that state, the Vanaras give way to utter despondence. 

All the demons cheered Indrajit unanimously with a roar like unto thunder, crying "Rama is dead".

 Seeing the two brothers – Sri Rama and Lakshmana lying motionless and breathless on the floor, Indrajit thought they were dead. Indrajit, full of joy and victorious in conflict, returned to Lanka, spreading happiness among the demons.

Indrajit informs Ravana that both Sri Rama and Lakshmana have been killed. Ravana applauds his son for his daring act. 

All those foremost of Vanaras including Sugreeva, plunged in grief, were standing around those two illustrious warriors.  In the meantime, a great wind arose, accompanied by massed clouds and lightning. 

All the Vanara-s saw within a moment, a mighty eagle, Garuda, the son of Vinata, like unto a blazing torch. On beholding Garuda, the serpents, who bound those two warriors Sri Rama and Lakshmana in the form of mighty arrows, fled away

Thereupon, Garuda coming into contact with Sri Rama and Lakshmana offering them his good wishes, with his hands caressly touched their faces.

Their wounds, touched by Garuda were healed. Their bodies soon became smooth and well-rounded. Their luster, valour, strength, endurance and resolution, those great qualities, also their sharpness, intelligence and memory were re-doubled. Lifting them up both, Garuda embraced them.

The highly majestic and the mighty Garuda, the King of Birds, spoke to Sri Rama as follows:

 “O, Rama!Nobody including Devendra is able to untie this awfully terrific entanglement of arrows created through his power of sorcery by Indrajit."

 “Hearing about this incident, I have hastened all at once. You have been released from this quite terrific shackle of arrows. Both of you should maintain vigilance, all the time."

Having spoken thus, Garuda entered the sky with the speed of the wind. Seeing Sri Rama and Lakshmana healed of their wounds, the chiefs of Vanara-s howled like roars of lions and lashed their tails.

Thereupon, uttering great noises, frightening the demons and desirous to fight, the Vanara-s reached the gates of Lanka.

The NATURE intervened here.  

Even as the mighty Garuda himself admitted it was not possible even for the Indra, the king of celestials,  to get out of the entanglement of network of serpentine arrows of the Indrajit.  With the intervention of the NATURE, Garuda appeared and removed the obstacles.

We can observe from our lives and that of others surrounding us that when a person is goint to get SUCCESS, every impediment that sprang up in his way will be removed miraculously by somebody, some times by an unknown person, unasked.  Then , we can conclude that the NATURE is helping him.

When a person is bound to be defeated, every resource he is banking upon, will get dried up/destroyed, however, hard he may try.  Then, we can conclude that the NATURE is working against him.

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