Thursday 7 January 2016

Was Lonar crater lake created as a result of impact made by Brahmastra discharged by Sri Rama?

Lonar Lake is a saline soda lake located at Lonar in Buldhana district, Maharashtra, India, which was created by a meteor impact during the Pleistocene Epoch and it is the only hyper velocity impact crater in basaltic rock anywhere on earth.


Was Lonar crater lake a result of impact made by Brahmastra discharged by Sri Rama?


On the advice of Vibhishana,  Sri Rama, spreading sacred grass on the sea shore, making a respectful salutation to the great ocean with his face turned eastward lied down with his arm as his pillow. and  spent a time of three nights there.
As the ocean did not appear in his personal form to Sri Rama, who becoming angry with the ocean and a wielding a bow with his hand released the arrows resembling a powerful thunderbolt of Indra.
Those excellent arrows having a great speed and ablaze by their splendor, penetrated the waters of the ocean, and the great jerk of water, together with the resonance of the wind became very much dreadful.
Then Sri Rama took up the Brahmastra and was stretching that bow, both the heaven and earth suddenly seemed to be split asunder. The entire NATURE quivered.

The great ocean soon became possessed of a terrific velocity and crossed beyond the other shore to the extent of a Yojana (13 Kms.). Sri Rama then did not discharge that Brahmastra on the retreating ocean.
Then, Sagara (the ocean god) himself rose from the middle of the ocean  and spoke the following words:
"O, beloved Rama! Earth, wind ether, water and light remain fixed in their own nature, resorting to their eternal path. Therefore, I am fathomless and my nature is that it is impossible of being swum across. It becomes unnatural if I am shallow. I am telling you the following device to cross me. Neither from desire nor ambition nor fear nor from affection, I am able to solidify my waters inhabited by alligators. I shall make it possible to see that you are able to cross over. I will arrange a place for the monkeys to cross me and bear with it. As far as the army crosses me, the crocodiles will not be aggressive to them."
Then, Rama spoke to that ocean as follows: "Listen to me. This great arrow should not go in vain. In which region should it be descended?"
Hearing Rama's words and seeing that powerful arrow, the large splendid Ocean spoke the following words to Rama:
"Towards my northern side, there is a holy place. It is well known as Drumatulya, in the same way as you are well known to this world. Numerous robbers of fearful aspect and deeds, having the sinful Abhiras as their chief, drink my waters there. I am not able to bear that touch of those wicked people, the evil doers, O, Rama! Let this excellent arrow with out vain be released over them there."
Hearing those words of the high-soled Ocean, Rama released that excellent and splendid arrow towards that place as directed by the ocean. The place where the arrow, whose splendor was akin to that of a thunder and a thunder bolt, was descended by Rama- that place is indeed famous as desert of Maru on this earth.
The earth there, pierced by the dart, then emitted a sound . The waters of the penultimate subterranean region gushed forth from the mouth of that cleft. Then the hollow became known as Vrana.
Water constantly seen, gushing forth from it resembled seawater. A terrific splitting sound was born in that place. Water was dried up in those cavities, as a result of hurling of that arrow by Rama.
That desert of Maru became famous in the three worlds. Rama (the son of Dasaratha), a wise man and a valiant man resembling a celestial, made that cavity dried up and gave a boon to that desert of Maru.
Due to granting of a boon by Rama, that desert of Maru became the most congenial place for cattle rearing, a place with a little of disease, producing tasty fruits and roots, with a lot of clarified butter, a lot of milk and various kinds of sweet- smelling herbs.
Thus, the crater created by the impact of the weapon discharged by Sri Rama might be the Lonar Crater Lake.

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