Wednesday 31 December 2014

Sri Hanuma counsels Ravana - Part - 2

"O king of demons! By the command of Sugreeva, I came here to your abode. Sugreeva, the Lord of Vanara-s, your brother, asked me to enquire about your welfare. Hear the righteous and meaningful words, as a following advice, of the high-souled Sugreeva, your brother, conducive to good in the world as well as in the other world."
Then, Sri Hanuma narrates the story of Sri Rama, who on command from his father, went on exile to Dandaka forest along with Seetha, who was later abducted by Ravana through the sky over Rishyamuka Mountain.
Sri Hanuma adds that Sri Rama, while searching for Seetha at Mount Rishyamuka, happened to meet Sugreeva and made friendship with him. Sri Hanuma also tells the story about Sri Rama installing Sugreeva in the throne, after killing Vali and about Sugreeva promising Sri Rama to get Seetha searched.
Sri Hanuma also said that Sugreeva was intent on searching for Seetha sent his Vanara-s to all directions. Hundreds, thousands and lakhs of Vanara-s are searching for her in all quarters, as also below and above in the sky.
Then he told that he is  the son of wind-god and named as Hanuma. And, he added that he  came there crossing the ocean for the sake of Seetha and wishing to see her and he found Seetha in Lanka. 

Then he advised Ravana as follows:
" It is for Rama there to decide his remaining task of future consequence. By abducting  Seetha, a five-hooded female serpent,  you  did a mistake.“
" Know her, whom you recognize as Seetha and who stays in your captivity, to be none else than Kalaratri (the goddess presiding over and responsible for dissolution), who can destroy the entire Lanka."
"It is not proper for you to lose your exceptional longevity and that fortune, both of which have been acquired by you through the practice of austerities. You may be thinking that you are immune from death from demons and celestials, because of your austerities. But your opinion in that matter is not correct“
" O King! Sugreeva and Sri Rama do not belong to those categories.  The fruit of righteousness does not exist together with the result of unrighteousness. That consequence of unrighteousness alone follows him.."
"You already obtained the fruit of virtue till now. There is no doubt about it. In no time, you will obtain the fruit of unrighteousness also. Ponder over the killing of demons in the Janasthana, about the killing of Vali and about the friendship between Rama and Sugreeva, and realize your own interest."
"I am indeed, even alone capable of destroying Lanka, along with its horses, chariots and elephants. However, this is not in accordance with the resolution of Sri Rama.”
“ For, Sri Rama, indeed, promised in the presence of troops of Vanara-s and bears, about the extermination of enemies, by whom Seetha was actually abducted."
"Therefore, have it enough of this noose of death, in the form of Seetha's personality, which has been placed by yourself around your neck. Think well of your safety. Otherwise this city of Lanka, burnt away by the effulgence of Seetha and by the wrath of Sri Rama."
"Do not lead to extermination your own friends, counsellors, kinsmen, brothers, sons, well-wishers, enjoyments, wives and Lanka. O king of demons! Listen to my truthful words coming as it is from the lips of this servant of Sri Rama, his messenger and particularly of this Vanara.”
“The renowned Sri Rama is capable of totally destroying all the worlds together with its five elements, along with its animate and inanimate things and also to create yet again all the worlds in like manner as before."
"After doing a great harm to Sri Rama, your survival will be difficult. O king of demons! Nobody is able to stand before Sri Rama. "

Only a Jnani like Sri Hanuma can counsel a formidable enemy like Ravana.  Similar situation we encounter in Mahabharata when Sri Krishna counsels in a fearless manner an adamant person like Dhuryodhana.

I think Sri Hanuma counseled Ravana in open Assembly of demons with a purpose. 

  • To give a last chance to Ravana for mending himself and save a great personality like Ravana, whom he himself admired a few moments ago, from destruction along with Lanka and its dwellers
  • To sow division among the demons.  If any rightminded persons are still existing in Lanka, they will, after seeing the havoc caused by him and listening his words, would come out from Ravana’s group

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