Saturday 6 December 2014

Sri Hanuman – Part-3

Punjikasthala, a nicest apsara, had to take a rebirth on earth, owing to a curse,  as a Vanari (Female Vanara) by name Anjana, who can change her form by her wish.  She is the daughter of Kunjara and the wife of Kesari.
On assuming a human physique, at one time ambled on the top of a mountain. When she is strolling on the mountaintop Air-god embraced that immaculate lady with both of his far-flung arms, as he lost his heart for her.  
Air-god gave a boon to her that she will beget a valiant son endowed with intellect, an admirably brave, and a bravely dazzling, and a dazzlingly forceful, and a forcefully overpowering son and he will be a coequal of him in flying off and jumping up.  Anjana gave birth to Sri Hanuma.
When Sri Hanuma was a boy he saw the just risen sun in the vast of forest, and deeming it to be a just ripen reddish fruit, and thinking it to be a best catch, he hopped up and flew towards sun on the sky. 
शतानि त्रीणि गत्वा अथ योजनानाम् महाकपे |
तेजसा तस्य निर्धूतो न विषादम् ततो गतः ||  (Kishkinda Kanda 66 Sarga 22 sloka)
Even on his flying up three hundred yojana-s, and even when sun's radiation puffed and blown him down, he did not get into any anguish as were indefatigable.
On seeing him, Lord Indra was captivated by anger and by his effulgence he catapulted his Thunderbolt (Vajraayudha) at Sri Hanuma.   Then, with his left cheekbone broken Sri Hanuma fell down on a highest mountaintop, from thereupon his name-phrase is indeed averred as Hanuma. 
(The word hanu also means 'wisdom...' and Sri Hanuma is one having an absolute wisdom.)
Then on observing that he is mutilated, the highly infuriated Air-god has not physically circulated throughout the triad of worlds.  When the triad of worlds is being roiled with breathlessness, all the administrative gods of universe are bewildered, and they started to supplicate the Air-god for his grace.  
Lord Brahma gave Sri Hanuma a boon decreeing his 'indestructibility by any missile”.  On scrutinising that he is unhurt even after hit by Thunderbolt, Lord Indra kind-heartedly gave him a choicest boon saying that his death occurs only by his own volition.
No where in Srimad Valmiki Ramayana, the story of Sri Hanuma’s mischievousness during his child hood and Saints’ cursing him that he would forget his knowledge about his strength, till somebody reminds of his strength was found to be mentioned.
Hence, the story that Jambavanta reminded him of his strength for getting over the curse is unfounded.

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