Thursday 18 February 2016

Will Hinduism survive in India?

Hinduism should not be confused with pure spiritual aspects advocated by the Saints of India.   The Hinduism that we see today is a mere residue of/altogether different from pure spiritual aspects. 
So many dogmatic rituals superimposed by superstitions, cold war among various sects like Vaishnavism, Shaivaism, Shaktism, etc, are tearing apart the Nation and pitting one sect against another.
The pure spiritual aspects as practiced and advocated by Saints of this land are in tune with Permanent Natural Laws.  They will not die, but the dogmatic rituals superimposed by superstitions, etc, will definitely go as they are man made. 
The rituals practiced by Yajur Vedic period in deviation to pure spiritual aspects of Rig Veda further deteriorated in to present day Idol worship, dogmatic rituals superimposed by superstitions, etc.
The Idol worship is only a preliminary step towards pure spirituality. It is like entry into 1st Standard in education. Does the child stop in that class only? No. He/She progresses into further classes and some may even end up doing Research also.
However, why are we stopping at Idol worship only and not thinking beyond Idol worships and superstitions?
Why are we blaming/ridiculing God, if a temple is plundered or destroyed,  stating that how can one believe the God, if he/she cannot protect his/her own place or cash/jewelry?
Did the God construct or made humans construct temples?  Did the God ask humans to decorate the Idols with  jewelry?
No.  Then how can we attribute the plundering or destroying of a temple to the God?
Nature, the visible face of the invisible God, will give hint gently, albeit in an indirect way,  to get rid of unnecessary worships and rituals.  If humans do not pay heed to those hints,  the Nature will take its own action.
For Example:
The Nature in the shape of Muslim invader Ghazni destroyed the Somnath Temple.  Ghazni was only instrumental in the hands of the Nature/God.
It is only a hint given by the Nature to get rid of unnecessary rituals.
Do not think that this type of destruction will happen to Hinduism only.  It is a Myth.
The Kaaba, which was holy to Muslims, was destroyed in the floods during the life time of their prophet Muhammad and in subsequent times also.
The temple of Jerusalem was tored apart again and again.
Why was attendance in Churches of Christianity dwindling, though the structures are intact?  Why many atheists are coming from Christianity alone?

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion, rituals and temples are important for hindu community. But, people should understand the meaning of rituals. Otherwise, it will be useless. It is a christian and semitic propoganda to spread that 'idol worship is wrong'. This creates confusion among ordinary hindus. Temples makes us 'practicing hindus'. This propoganda is an attempt to make hinduism only a theoritical religion. But a religion survives only if people practice it.
